
Cali Quick Urgent Care
Urgent Care located in Laguna Niguel, CA
Annual physicals are a great way to stay on top of your health. At Cali Quick Urgent Care, Brittany Glenn, DO, and the medical team offer comprehensive physicals for children and adults. The team spends time evaluating your overall health to ensure you’re enjoying a high quality of life. DOT physicals are also performed in-office at Cali Quick Urgent Care. Call the Laguna Niguel, California, office to schedule physicals for you and your family, or book an appointment online today.
Physicals Q & A
What are physicals?
Physicals are preventive exams you schedule each year, even when you’re feeling well. The goals of a physical are to track changes in your health from one year to the next and to identify health issues in their earliest stages.
While you should schedule a physical as a part of your routine health care, you and your children may also need physicals for work, school, organized sports, and recreational activities.
Cali Quick Urgent Care also offers Department of Transportation (DOT) physicals that meet local, state, and federal requirements.
DOT physicals ensure that you’re healthy enough to meet the physical requirements for certain jobs.
What happens during a routine physical?
During a routine physical, the Cali Quick Urgent Care team spends time reviewing your personal and family medical histories to determine if you need additional screenings for conditions like diabetes or high cholesterol.
The team also discusses your lifestyle, your job, and any questions or concerns you have about your physical or mental health. They examine your body and note vital information about your health such as your:
- Height
- Weight
- Lung function
- Heart rhythm
- Blood pressure
- Body temperature
If you have existing health issues, you may need bloodwork or other diagnostic tests to ensure your condition is well-controlled. Adults may also need referrals for mammograms, colon cancer screenings, and bone density tests.
After passing your physical, the Cali Quick Urgent Care team can complete necessary paperwork that you need for school or sports registration, work, or DOT.
What happens if I don’t pass my physical?
If the Cali Quick Urgent Care team identifies a potential health issue that requires further testing or treatment, you might not pass your physical.
The physicians can work with you on a treatment plan to address your health issues. During a follow-up visit, they can perform another physical to evaluate your health after treatment begins.
To schedule a physical for yourself or your kids, call Cali Quick Urgent Care or book an appointment online today.
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